Do Something Different Today

Do today

When I saw this quote, it made me think of all the things we want to do, think about doing, say we will do but say perhaps another day.  Today is the day to do something different.  Something that will bring you closer to who you want to be and where you want to be tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. Something that will bring you closer to your big picture vision for your life and your future.

Do that thing today that might seem difficult or challenging. That thing that scares you a little but excites you when you think about what the outcome might actually be. That thing that could, that most likely would get you the results you’ve been wanting.

It’s about taking action on those things. Those “just a little too big” things. Those things that would truly make a difference.  What are they for you?  What are those things that would meet your goals and get you closer to achieving your dreams.

What stops you? What holds you back from doing them? Negative self-talk, excuses, fears? Perhaps you’re waiting for just the right timing, right conditions, thinking it won’t be perfect enough.

Let me tell you this, if these things will bring you closer to achieving your dreams and get you closer to your long-term goals and big picture vision, if they are things you’ve been thinking about for a while and they are positive steps in the right direction, then make the decision right now to step out and do it today. Do it right now. Don’t think about it. Don’t analyze it. Just take a deep breath and take action right now!

For me, it has been blogging.  I have so much I want to share to help others. What’s held me back is deciding what to post, when to post, how to post. I analyze things too much and turns into over-analysis paralysis for me.  So this morning when I really started thinking about this quote and I thought about who might need to hear this, I decided to just do it and take action NOW.  I started thinking that rather than just post the quote on Facebook today, I would set the example and take action myself and turn it into a blog post and share it.  So here it is. I hope that this was for you and will encourage you to step out and make a difference. Do it for you. Do it for someone else who might need what you have to share, offer or do.

Let’s do this! Let’s do something today and every day that will bring us closer to who we want to be tomorrow.

If you want different results you have to do things differently.  I’ve done mine and it was easier than I had made it out to be.  Now it’s your turn.  Ready, set, GO!

I would love for you to share what your one thing is that you WILL do today. It would also help others to share what’s been holding you back.

Love & Blessings,




  1. Rebecca, I saw your post on Facebook about still being in pain and am praying for you. Then I clicked over to your “about” section and found your website. This is so beautiful. You and I share the same heart for women pursuing their purpose. I saw you had a very successful conference about this in January this year, too. Congrats! Looked so fun!. So true what you wrote in this blog about taking action to get different results this year. Kudos for you on blogging! So glad I found this site. Love it.

  2. Lisandra McGrath :

    Great blog. More please 🙂
    Looking fwd to attending the 3/7 GET FOCUSED WORKSHOP.

  3. Passive action was thinking about blogging. Today you took massive action by actually blogging. I love how you made the decision to finally “just do it “!!

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